other bits

seamless BG tiles

newest additions at the bottom.

plaster a plaster-ish texture, somewhat evocative of the ceiling at the first place you ever rented
tiedye from hell some kind of tiedyed plaster weirdness. if not for its texture, it may have been nice to wear
psychic fireworks you know those weird lights you see when you press on your eyeballs?
acid carpet the arcade carpet is worn, and through less-than-sober eyes almost seems to undulate
hot coals careful, that looks pretty warm
mushmoss is it a mushroom? is it moss? it both? freaky.
solo cup taffy your memories of that one solo cup design, stretched to hell and back
error uh oh, something ran out of memory. a program? a machine? you?
little fluffy clouds [new] --they were beautiful, the most beautiful skies as a matter of fact--
i'm the slime [new] oozing along on your living room floor
depressurization [new] only fish can hear you scream underwater. and other things with ears too, i guess

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